How much time is needed to complete the study materials and test?

Total viewing time of the course is about 5.5 hours.

How long will I have access to the videos?

You have access to the video for one year.

Can I download the videos?

The videos are not available to download. They are available online when logged in to your Teachable account.

Are there printable recipes to go along with the videos?

Yes, you can download the recipe's PDF / PDF Supplemental Materials.

Are there languages other than English available?

Currently, the course is only available in Japanese audio with English subtitles.

In addition to the USD$480 payment, do I have to make additional payment?

No, the USD480 is a flat fee that covers the entire program.

What kinds of dishes are covered by the course?

Authentic Japanese dishes. There are rice, soup, simmered, grilled, raw fish, deep fried, desert dishes and more.Many dishes that can be easily prepared overseas.

Do I need special equipment or ingredients?

Since the course is based on Japanese cooking in Japan, some ingredients might be hard to find overseas. However, you will be able to find other ingredients to substitute. This is how I cook Japanese cooking for events overseas!


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.